You can't change others, but you can change yourself!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Oh the joys of parenthood....last night was the first night in many many months that Keegan slept WITHOUT his binky! I know what your thinking, isn't he 2? Well, yes he is, but honestly I have not wanted to attempt taking it away all together. But last night I gave him a choice, either sleep in your big boy bed with your binky or in momma's bed and no binky. Keegan said "momma's bed". Things went pretty well until 5am this morning when he woke up and wanted his binky! After some convincing on my part, and the fact that he was really tired, he fell back asleep without his binky. I will make NO promises for tonight. I am already tired and patience is running low :(

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am LOVING the fall weather! It is so beautiful outside, Keegan and I have been enjoying our walks.